A successful business story is being written in Horné Saliby

The EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2020 finalist in Slovakia had to react to the geopolitical situation. Instead of expanding to Asia, he built a new business in Horné Saliby near Galanta. He successfully adapted the production program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, it ranks among the largest food producers in our country.
The circumstances of 2014 forced him to fundamentally change his business plans. Strong distribution routes for his company led through Russian territory to distant regions of Asia, to Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. However, the Russians closed these roads. Dmytro Borodavka, a native of Kyiv, faced a difficult decision. With the support of his family, he turned the helm of his business and life from Asia to the West. To Slovakia.
Dmytro graduated from the prestigious National Agricultural University in Kyiv and connected his entire professional life with the food industry and business. He worked in several management positions in the MHP company, one of the largest poultry producers in Europe. Then, since 2011, already as the captain of his own ship, he led a network of over 100 retail stores. In 2016, for the aforementioned reasons, he decided on Slovakia. Here he founded the company EU Poultry, s.r.o. with a new processing plant in Horné Saliby near Galanta.
The second maneuver in the direction of activities was forced by the arrival of the pandemic. A key customer – the gastro sector – suffered from the closure of operations. Therefore, Dmytro redirected and adjusted production and deliveries to retail, succeeded and became a finalist of EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2020. Currently, EU Poultry cooperates with important customers and retail chains in 22 European countries, while only 25% of the company's production remains in Slovakia. The company's success is also underlined by the fact that it achieves the highest growth in sales among the companies in the Slovak food industry.
What are the plans for the coming years? "Clearly a new production program focused on value-added products. I enjoy constantly inventing something innovative and being at the origin of future trends," reveals Dmytro Borodavka, CEO and founder of EU Poultry, s.r.o. Dmytro has four children and lives with his wife in Bratislava. They consider Slovakia their second home and a great place to live.
About EU Poultry, s.r.o.
We are a Slovak company, a specialist in the processing and distribution of high-quality chicken meat and meat products. We deliver to 22 European countries. We process over 40,000 tons of chicken meat annually. For the year 2023, we achieved sales of more than 158 million euros. We have had our production and storage facilities near the town of Horné Saliby since 2017. We employ over 300 people. You can find EU Poultry at https://poultryeu.eu/ and also on the social net Works Facebook and LinkedIn