Main Question and Answer
Where does EU Poultry import its meat from?

EU Poultry is a Slovakia based company, which supplies quality chicken meat to domestic market and to EU countries. It has a long-standing partnership with MHP, one of the world’s leading agriculture businesses, which supplies it with poultry from Ukraine to be processed at EU Poultry facilites.

Is the meat imported by EU Poultry subject to the same control as local producers in Slovakia?

We comply with highest possible standards to guarantee the best product quality. We work transpartenly and open for certification inspections. Most of the poultry for EU Polutry facilites are supplied from Ukraine. As part of its trade agreement, Ukraine has harmonised its standards with the EU regulations. All imports origins from a EU certified exporter, so it is subject to regular monitoring by the DG SANTE, which oversees food standards across Europe.
We purchase polutry from producers, who copmly with highest international standards on animal welfare and are committed to the five animal freedoms, ensuring our poultry is distress and discomfort free.

Is the meat imported by EU Poultry for Slovakian consumers?

About 25 percent of EU Polutry sales are made in the domestic market. 85 percent is exported to EU countries.

Is meat imported from outside Slovakia is as fresh as local?

Our purchase and sales logistics, as well as processing, are really fast. Our products arrive to the marketplace just two days after slaughter.
Due to MAP packaging technology shelf life of our products reach 12 days. Our consumers enjoy really fresh chicken meat.

Can consumers be confident about the origin of the meat they are purchasing?

We are proud to be transparent. We welcome and follow strict EU guidelines, which foresees, that all poultry products are labeled with the country of origin, including the country where the rearing took place. Our consumers can be really confident in the origin of the product.

Does EU Poultry comply with European Union rules on poultry imports?

Supply of poultry from Ukraine is in line with the DCFTA, the trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU which opens up large markets to both sides. We are proud to strenthen trade relations between EU and Ukraine to supply EU countries with high-quality checken meat.