Chicken and turkey meat: comparative characteristics

At first glance, they are very similar to each other: both turkey and chicken meat is considered dietary, it is recommended to use them in all popular diets, can be prepared relatively quickly and this kind of meat is always predictably tasty. Chicken meat is slightly more common than turkey, because chicken breeding has been popular for a very long time.
Characteristics of chicken and turkey meat:
Before buying chicken or turkey meat, you need to know exactly what you are going to cook.
For example, turkey fillets are thicker and take a little longer to prepare, but large turkey drumsticks are excellent for roasting and are very tasty. Smaller chicken parts are suitable for frying in a pan or grilling, they can be cooked faster and are softer. Whole roasted chicken is juicy and tasty as well.
- Protein content in 100 g of meat: 20 g in turkey, slightly less in chicken, 17 g;
- Calorie content (calculated with skin): turkey meat has a lower calorie content than chicken meat. Without skin the caloric value is lower;
- Cholesterol: turkey meat contains approximately 71 mg per 100 grams of meat, chicken meat approximately 84 mg;
- Selenium: 38% in turkey meat, 18% in chicken meat;
- Our body needs the amino acid tryptophan to produce serotonin and melatonin: the concentration in turkey meat is 219, in chicken it is 192.
Are you buying chicken or turkey?
It is difficult to say whether it is better to buy chicken or turkey meat. In terms of their characteristics, they are practically the same, but they differ in taste, so the choice of poultry meat depends only on your taste preferences. Either way, poultry is among the ten healthiest types of meat due to its dietary and nutritional properties.
The company EU Poultry offers a wide range of fresh and frozen chicken and turkey meat.
The choice is yours - and we're here to help!