Halal chicken meat wholesale distributor

Our company is distributor of halal chicken meat: breast, wings, trimming.
The difference between halal and non-halal meat is quite significant.
Rules that are followed in the production of halal meat:
- At each stage of production – careful control of compliance with all sanitary and hygiene rules
- Special attitude to animals – both pre-slaughter, during the process, and post-slaughter
- Feeding animals intended for slaughter, only natural food (GMO, hormones and additives are prohibited)
- Reliable information about the health of the animal (the animal must be healthy)
- A certain short prayer is always pronounced before slaughter
- The animal is slaughtered solely by cutting the carotid artery. Based on the principles of humanity, all other ways are prohibited
- The blood of the slaughtered animal is removed by Muslims in a natural way, almost completely, so that the texture of halal meat is more tender and it tastes better. The additional advantage of this procedure is in reducing the risk of bacteria growth in fresh meat.
In short, halal products are not only a religious component, but also food that meets all the requirements of safe and clean products.
Halal meat includes:
- Turkey and chicken
- Mutton, goat, camel
- Rabbit
- Beef, horse meat
- Duck, heron, quail
- Deer, antelope, buffalo
- Partridge, goose, ostrich/And also halal dumplings and frankfurters, forcemeat with stew and sausages.