Production process of chicken meat

Chicken meat is the most popular because of its low price and a relatively short period of poultry breeding. Therefore, the production of semi-finished products from chicken meat is the most common in the world. Chicken fillets, as well as meat with bones, wings and legs are produced from chicken meat. There are many types of semi-finished products intended for sale.
The technology of poultry processing involves preparing the chicken carcass for further production, the removal of offal, plucking, the removal of paws and other parts. Only the most necessary parts for the production of semi-finished products, meat parts with bones, which are called carcasses, are left. All carcasses are moved to the conveyor, and then they are put on moving tips. They resemble trays. From the conveyor they are moved by labour force. Then they move to the cutting zone to be divided into necessary parts. The production technology takes into account the need for sanitary cleaning, which must be held often enough to observe the standards of sanitary epidemiology. Cutting off parts from carcasses is also done by workers. To this end, each worker must meet the requirements for such production and wear special gloves protecting their fingers from a sharp knife. Each worker has at his disposal a proper sharp knife of a suitable size.
Wings are cut off as the first. Each wing is cut according to the approved sequence of technology. This allows cutting off each wing accurately and without errors. The carcass is moved without stopping to the next group of workers who cut off the breast, and the legs. They are also cut off according to approved sequence. Chicken bones are connected with tendons. If you properly separate the bone with the knife, then it’s done easily, but if you do it incorrectly, you can waste a lot of time and even produce spoilt goods. This may reduce productivity. Also, after the cutting process the breast is immediately checked for bone remnants after the initial processing stages. Then, the breast falls on a specially designed conveyor belt. When the wings are separated, they also fall on a specially designed conveyor belt. Depending on the technology, the wings may be divided into parts. The shoulder part contains more meat than other parts, so it is separated. It can also be divided into wing tips and middle parts. The wing tips have the lowest meat content. The parts of the wings can pass the seasoning stage with spices. For this purpose, they are loaded into a spinning drum that can simultaneously wrap a large number of parts in spices without human involvement. After the seasoning, they are moved to the oven where they are baked. For parts of the wings to be transported over long distances, they are deeply frozen. Thus, the realization period of parts of the wings increases to a long period of time.