Call for tenders

Call for tenders
Name of Market Research:
Line for the production of poultry meat semi-finished products - Line 1
Line for the production of poultry meat semi-finished products – Line 2
Name of Project: Inteligentné inovácie v spoločnosti EU Poultry s.r.o.
Project location: Trnava Region
Call - Call code: OPVaI-MH/DP/2018/1.2.2-21
Deadline for submission of tenders: do 25.11.2021
Cancellation of public procurement
Procurement announced by a person whose contracting authority provides 50% or less of funds for the delivery of goods from the NFP in accordance with the Unified Guide for Applicants / Beneficiaries on the Procurement Process / Procurement, which was announced on 11.11.2021 with the deadline for submission of tenders set to 25.11.2021 to 13:00 is canceled in its entirety.
Reason for Cancellation
None of the received tenders met the requirements for the subject of the contract
Zrušenie VO - EU Poultry Linka 1
Zrušenie VO - EU Poultry Linka 2